Inaugural Exhibition at la Patinoire, Brussels


“LA RESISTANCE DES IMAGES, 1960 – 2010” (Resistance of the image)

curated by Jean-Jacques AILLAGON (Former French Minister of Culture) 

Artists exhibited: 2015_la_resistance

la patinoire
© Tanguy Aumont – AIRSTUDIO / La Patinoire royale

Awesome opening exhibition for an awesome new place in Europe. The building characterized by its neoclassical style was built in 1877 in the heart of the Saint-Gilles district. It was originally the very first roller skating rink ever built in Europe.

From spring 2015, the Patinoire royale will host temporary exhibitions exploring the key stages in European artistic creation throughout the second half of the 20th century, focusing on fine arts and design. No doubt that this new space will contribute for Brussels to take the lead in European contemporary art.

Current inaugural exhibition defines the contours of the future positioning of the Patinoire Royale which is neither a gallery, a museum or an art center, but all three at the same time.

It shows narrative figuration with 120 works of Twenty different artists (mentioned above) carefully selected by former French Minister of Culture, Jean-Jacques Aillagon.


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